

You can log off a Cisco ASA VPN session from the command line as follows

Find the users session index

show vpn-sessiondb | include (username)

The index field is what you’re looking for. Once you have this you can log that particular session off by using the following command.

vpn-sessiondb logoff index XXXX

where XXXX is the index number.


Here’s how you can quickly list the currently active IPSec VPN sessions on your ASA.

show vpn-sessiondb remote

You can of course use modifiers to filter only the text you’re interested in. For example

show vpn-sessiondb remote | include (Username|Duration)

This will give you the username and duration of the session.

You can also get a summary of all the connections as follows

show vpn-sessiondb summary


To get a quick list of users in AD whose accounts are locked, you can use Quest Software’s free ActiveRoles Management Shell for Active Directory PS-Snapin. This snap-in simplifies a lot of the AD related functions through Powershell, finding locked user accounts is just one of them.

get-QADUser -Locked


This is a one step command to extract and untar a tar.gz file.

tar zxvf filename.tar.gz

z = Gunzip(uncompress) it before extracting, used on file ending in .tar.gz or .tgz
x = Extract the contents of the TAR file
v = Verbose – display contents as it is tarring or extracting
f = Filename to follow

Note: If the file does not have “.gz” extension that means its already uncompressed and one has to just extract it using “tar xvf” command.

This is a two step command to extract and untar the file.

gunzip filename.tar.gz

tar xvf filename.tar


Everyone knows you can use SSH to tunnel traffic through a remote host running an SSH server. This can allow you to use the web, for instance, as if you were at that remote host. You do this by creating a SOCKS proxy and then setting your local browser to use this proxy.

$ssh -D 8888 username@remotesshserver

This command tells your machine to create a tunnel to the remote ssh server and create a proxy on your local machine at port 8888 for you to use.

Now all you need to do is configure your browser to use this proxy.

Server: localhost or
Port: 8888

Although using this proxy through firefox will secure your web traffic, it will not hide your DNS queries. With SOCKS 5 in Firefox you can specify which side of the proxy handles DNS lookups. This can be done by setting network.proxy.socks_remote_dns = true in about:config.

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