Batch editing Dial-up or VPN access settings in Active Directory

Active Directory doesn\’t let you edit the Dial-up of VPN access policies for multiple users at once through the GUI. You have to edit this setting one at a time for each user. This can be painstaking if you a lot of users. Luckily there is a VB script available like for almost everything else in AD.

Dim aConnection, aCommand, aResult, strLDAPPath, user, objUser
strLDAPPath = InputBox(\"Please enter the LDAP path of the OU:\")
WScript.Echo strLDAPPath
Set aConnection = CreateObject(\"ADODB.Connection\")
Set aCommand = CreateObject(\"ADODB.Command\")
aConnection.Provider = \"ADsDSOObject\"
aCommand.ActiveConnection = aConnection
Set aResult = aCommand.Execute()
Do While Not aResult.EOF
strDN = aResult.Fields(\"distinguishedName\")
WScript.Echo strDN
Set objUser = GetObject(\"LDAP://\" & strDN)
\' Comment the following line to manage connection through Remote Access Policy
objUser.Put \"msNPAllowDialin\", FALSE
\' Uncomment the following line to manage connection through Remote Access Policy
\' objUser.PutEx ADS_PROPERTY_CLEAR, \"msNPAllowDialin\", 0

This script will update the access settings for a group of users in a particular OU. Once you run the script, a dialog box will ask you for this OU. Once this is set all users in that OU will be updated.

The AD property this script modifies is \’msNPAllowDialin\’. This property is accepts boolean values. So the three options are

  • TRUE (to allow access)
  • FALSE (to deny access)
  • To manage access via the Remote Access Policy, comment out the

    objUser.Put \"msNPAllowDialin\", FALSE

    and uncomment the

    \' objUser.PutEx ADS_PROPERTY_CLEAR, \"msNPAllowDialin\", 0



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