Here\’s a quick way to find out who has send-as permissions on a particular mailbox
Get-Mailbox -identity mailboxname | Get-ADPermission | where {($_.ExtendedRights -like “*Send-As*â€) -and ($_.IsInherited -eq $false) -and -not ($_.User -like “NT AUTHORITY\\SELFâ€)} | FT -Wrap
You can also pipe in all mailboxes or a server or database to find out send-as permissions on all mailboxes as follows
Get-Mailbox | Get-ADPermission | where {($_.ExtendedRights -like “*Send-As*â€) -and ($_.IsInherited -eq $false) -and -not ($_.User -like “NT AUTHORITY\\SELFâ€)} | FT -Wrap
Get-Mailbox -Server servername | Get-ADPermission | where {($_.ExtendedRights -like “*Send-As*â€) -and ($_.IsInherited -eq $false) -and -not ($_.User -like “NT AUTHORITY\\SELFâ€)} | FT -Wrap