Manage Exchange mailboxes from the command-line

ExchMbx is a command-line utility that lets you create user mailboxes, mail enable an AD object, move mailboxes and delete mailboxes among other tasks that can be done using the GUI.

ExchMbx -b cn=joe,dc=joe,dc=net -cr srv1:sg1:db2
Create mailbox for joe in Server srv1, storage group sg1, database db2.

ExchMbx -b cn=joe,dc=joe,dc=net -move srv1:sg1:db2
Ditto ex1 but move.

ExchMbx -b cn=joe,cn=users,dc=joe,dc=net -clear
Clear Exchange attrs for joe, will delete mailbox or
clean email addresses of mailenabled objects.

ExchMbx -b cn=gr1,cn=users,dc=joe,dc=net -me
Mail Enable group gr1

ExchMbx -b cn=con1,cn=users,dc=joe,dc=net -me
Mail Enable contact con1 with email address

ExchMbx can be obtained from along with many other useful tools.

[examples sourced from the ExchMbx Usage page]


  1. admin

    If you don’t want to look up the LDAP path of a user, you can use the dsquery command. The output of dsquery can be piped into ExchMbx to have a one-line command.

    dsquery user -name john* | exchmbx -cr srv1:sg1:db2"

  2. Hi There,

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