If you want to allow non-admin users in Windows to change the IP address settings on their PCs, you can add them to the built-in “Network Configuration Operators” group. This can be done from the command line as

net localgroup "Network Configuration Operators" /add <username>


Office 2003 wont install unless you supply a valid license key, unlike Office 2007 which lets you enter the key once you’re done installing. This is very inconvenient when you’re trying to create a base image of a system to deploy on multiple PCs. You can’t have the same Office license key for all the PCs.

In order to get somewhat similar functionality as Office 2007, i.e., install without key to be filled in later, use the following method. You will still need a valid serial key for the first install, but it will be cleared after its completed.

regedit /S clear-key.reg

The first line installs office silently with the specified key, and second line clears the registration information. The clear-key.reg file contains the following registry key

Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00

Now when you run Office, it’ll ask you for a license key.


This Microsoft KB article lists 3 ways to grant non-admin users the rights to manage services on a windows machine.

Method 1: Grant rights using Group Policy
Method 2: Grant rights using Security templates
Method 3: Grant rights using Subinacl.exe

The easiest and fastest method? Method 3 using subinacl.
SUBINACL /SERVICE \\MachineName\ServiceName /GRANT=[DomainName\]UserName[=Access]

[Source: How to grant users rights to manage services in Windows 2000]


ExchMbx is a command-line utility that lets you create user mailboxes, mail enable an AD object, move mailboxes and delete mailboxes among other tasks that can be done using the GUI.

ExchMbx -b cn=joe,dc=joe,dc=net -cr srv1:sg1:db2
Create mailbox for joe in Server srv1, storage group sg1, database db2.

ExchMbx -b cn=joe,dc=joe,dc=net -move srv1:sg1:db2
Ditto ex1 but move.

ExchMbx -b cn=joe,cn=users,dc=joe,dc=net -clear
Clear Exchange attrs for joe, will delete mailbox or
clean email addresses of mailenabled objects.

ExchMbx -b cn=gr1,cn=users,dc=joe,dc=net -me
Mail Enable group gr1

ExchMbx -b cn=con1,cn=users,dc=joe,dc=net -me joe@joeware.net
Mail Enable contact con1 with email address joe@joeware.net

ExchMbx can be obtained from joeware.net along with many other useful tools.

[examples sourced from the ExchMbx Usage page]


Netsh.exe can be very useful in viewing and editing TCP/IP settings from the command line.

To view your TCP/IP settings in a Command Prompt, type
netsh interface ip show config

To configure an IP address and other TCP/IP related settings:
netsh interface ip set address name="Local Area Connection" static 1

To obtain an IP address from a DHCP server:
netsh interface ip set address "Local Area Connection" dhcp

To configure DNS and WINS addresses:
netsh interface ip set dns "Local Area Connection" static

and this for WINS:
netsh interface ip set wins "Local Area Connection" static

Or, to dynamically obtain DNS settings:
netsh interface ip set dns "Local Area Connection" dhcp

As a bonus tip, you can export your IP settings to a text file using the following command:
netsh -c interface dump > c:IPSettings.txt

To import the settings, type
netsh -f c:IPSettings.txt
netsh exec c:location2.txt

You can use this to quickly switch between different settings.

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